I lack direction

I should tell you that, at the moment, I lack direction when it comes to writing on a blog. At first, I thought that I would be writing a little bit more on my book and about writing in general, but then again, I am sometimes too busy writing and making changes to my projects, some of which I just feel like keeping private, since ideas can be used and are not subject to copyright protection. If a writer advertises their ideas too much, then they might be susceptible to usage by others, and so I am trying to keep my ideas to myself. Although I am excited about my project, which I hope to get republished in the mainstream with a commercial publisher, I cannot at this time fix Coe Baba: Life and Love.

If I fix Life and Love, I would be using the current version under a new title, which is the title and version that I want to get republished in the mainstream, and I cannot publish the second book either, which I have worked on, until the republished version of the first book comes out. And I do feel like I really want to get my work out there in the public eye, I have been hoping for that. I am waiting to hear something, I have submitted my work to some avenues, and it will be some time before I know, for positive, if it is accepted somewhere. Until then, it’s just waiting. Not too exciting.

I thought that I might try writing some sort of story on here, with my original character Tormakoff, but yeah, I don’t really have anything there. Maybe I should just try blogging in general. Writing about something I enjoy. I do like Doctor Who…

Okay, Doctor Who; I can write about Doctor Who. Now for starters, I first got into Doctor Who in 2006, when the first series first aired in the US on the SciFi (Syfy) channel (I believe it was in the summer). They advertised the show on SciFi, and I liked the commercials for it, with this unusual guy waving a device and saying, “Run for your life.” to a blond-girl. I think it was going to air on Friday nights, when I usually watch Stargate, both SG-1 and Atlantis. (I did not get into Battlestar Galactica, of which I’ve only seen the first couple of seasons, until later; and I did not get into Farscape, of which I’ve only seen 6 episodes or so, until…well, not quite yet. I started watching Stargate SG-1 when Daniel Jackson came back from being ascended, having just seen the Stargate movie, and latched onto Atlantis as soon as it aired. I did not get into Universe.

I did not get into Buffy until 2009, but I have seen all of that and Angel by now. I did watch Firefly when it aired (although I was at a restaurant when the first episode, technically second, The Train Robbery episode, aired; I think I even asked them to change the channel for me, but it was hard to hear) but I did see the first three seasons of Heroes. I skipped season 4 after a couple of episodes. I saw the first two seasons of Chuck regularly, but missed the latter half of season 3 (including the episode when Morgan found out) and watched the rest of Chuck when it aired. So…I’m rambling a bit here, but you get the picture.)

Anyway, Doctor Who…I remember seeing the first episode of the new series, Rose, in my parents’ bedroom, the only free TV in the house with my parents in the living room and my sister upstairs. I was hooked then, especially when they aired ‘End of the World’ right after that. (I am pretty sure that they aired the first two episodes back to back, unless my mind is playing tricks with me.) Or maybe I was hooked with The Unquiet Dead, when Rose and the Doctor grasped hands. Anyway, I loved the new series from the get-go, and I remember thinking to myself, this is a neat show! What a great concept! I did not know anything about the Doctor or Doctor Who before I saw it. I did not know any of its history until…well, when they first aired, I missed a couple of episodes, most notably Aliens of London (I saw the next part the next week) and Bad Wolf. When I looked up the synopsis of Bad Wolf on Wikipedia, that is when I discovered the history of Doctor Who, and all of these actors who played the Doctor. I discovered that the Ninth Doctor would regenerate into the Tenth Doctor in the next episode as well, so I was not totally surprised that it would happen, although I did not know quite how it would happen.

I also realized that, though I had not really heard of or seen Doctor Who before then, I had glimpsed Doctor Who out of the corner of my eye; I started watching The Simpsons maybe in 2000, or thereabouts, both the new shows on Sundays and the reruns that played in the afternoons, and there was that Halloween episode where the Comic Book Guy turned into a Comic Book Villain, The Collector, and started collecting famous people, including ‘Doctor Who’ or the Fourth Doctor. And, casually reading praise for Neil Gaiman’s Neverwhere, I realized one of the reviewers had mentioned Doctor Who when they were talking about Neverwhere, so I might have heard of or read the name of Doctor Who, but I didn’t realize what it meant.

So in any case, I will talk more about my experience with Doctor Who. I’ve also seen a number of Old Series episodes, and read some of the 7th and 8th Doctor books, so..au revoir for now.